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We would like to thank AIA Los Angeles for providing many of the resources and comments that are mentioned below in their 2018 Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity pamphlet.  Check it out here.

  • Do you require a college degree for new hires? Did you know… that is a form of gatekeeping!
  • Do you post your listings on a variety of job boards, especially ones that are available free to the public, are non-member organizations, and/or target underrepresented populations in the profession? Check out NOMA-S and CAED/Cal Poly
  • Are you overvaluing applications that arrive early? Did you know… it’s best to wait until the deadline and read all applications at the same time to avoid bias.
  • Are you considering how implicit bias or other forms of bias could drive hiring decisions? It’s best to use consistent criteria to evaluate applicant’s qualifications and ensure all applicants are subject to the same evaluation criteria.  Do not change requirements for the position as the search proceeds, especially to include or exclude applicants.
  • Are you offering transparency during interviews for career path opportunities (including possibility for promotion and pay increases with advancement) and flexible working environments (long-distance commute, family support, disability support, mental health support)?
  • What are you prioritizing when hiring? Do you always look for years of experience, or could you instead consider work ethic, potential, or team mentality?
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