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Mission Statement

Through the AIA Santa Barbara, architects have a unified voice on the business and the design issues important to all of us.

The AIA Santa Barbara Advocacy Committee is focused on three areas of interest: representing members in professional matters within our local community; interfacing with AIA advocacy at the state and national level; and understanding how architects can contribute to the quality of life issues in our city.

Advocacy is an integral part of our mission – to promote architects and architecture in Santa Barbara County through legislative action at the National, State and local levels. Ways in which we accomplish this is through:

To be involved and have input on regulatory issues pertaining to and governing the built environment is a core advocacy responsibility. AIASB Advocacy works with community and government for the betterment of our built environment by being involved and having input to regulatory process. The work includes:

  • Advocating for excellence in community design
  • Serving as a voice to address community, legislative and design matters
  • Educating about the importance of design and architecture
  • Facilitating effective dialogue between AIASB and the public
  • Expanding the understanding and influence of the work of architects in the community

AIASB Advocacy Committee Chairs: Ellen Bildsten AIA and Detty Peikert, AIA

Committee: Clay Aurell, AIA; Tracey Burnell; John Campanella; Adam Grosshans, AIA; Steve Fort; Erica Obertelli, AIA; Paul Poirier, AIA; Paul Rupp, AIA; Rachel Raynor; Rachel Albritton

Advocacy Committee meets every Monday from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Brief Summary of Key Focused Work

 State Street Advisory Committee

Munger Hall

Response to UCSB Munger Hall Design – As Architects, it is our responsibility to positively design the built environment in ways that support the health, safety, and welfare of building occupants, respect the natural environment, and enhance the community at large. The American Institute of Architects, Santa Barbara Chapter (AIASB) believes unequivocally that the Munger Residence Hall as proposed, does not meet these requirements and that there is no justifiable reason to proceed with the project as proposed.

Letter to UCSB Chancellor Yang

Letter to UC Regents

Letter to California Coastal Commission

Letter to UC Regents

Read the Petition sent by AIASB to the California Building Standards Commission


Munger Hall now has a walkthrough for the skeptical

6/1/22 Forum on UCSB Munger Hall Student Housing Proposal at Campbell Hall

Housing still scarce for UCSB students, but university says crisis has abated

AIA Santa Barbara signs open letter against “inhumane” Charlie Munger-designed/funded student accommodation

Local Architects Reject UCSB Munger Residence Hall Proposal

2021 City and County Permitting

City – With changes in staff at Planning and Development, and a new Community Development Director to be appointed, AIA Advocacy is meeting with the new City staff to develop relationships and emphasize the importance of design in City projects.

County – With the retirement of the top Building Official, and issues with regard to the permit process, AIASB has been holding meetings with the County Building Official and Plan Check Supervisor to help find solutions.

2019 – 2021 City Objective Design Standards ODS
AIASB Advocacy participated with city staff to give input on ODS that are now still in progress for approval and adoption.

2019 – 2020 Multi Unit Residential AUD Amendments

FAR Floor Area Ratio Development Standards – AIA conducted the Design Charrette 2020 to help the City determine FAR standards in the downtown and throughout the City.  This is currently in progress.  Expected to be determined and adopted sometime the spring.

For more information on FAR:

Downtown Focused Package – These amendments were approved and adopted early 2021 to allow AUD in CBD, 48’H, reduced parking, and allowances for open yard.
Read more on package here.

FAR models. 2021 (RRM/Detlev Peikert)

2017 -2020 Accessory Dwelling Unit ADU Amendments
AIA advocated through the City and held numerous workshops about ADUs and in May of 2018, Santa Barbara City Council moved to adopt the ADU amendments.
In 2019 an emergency ordinance was initiated to look at the High Fire Areas and Historic Resources. In 2020 the State Law came into effect.

2020 – 2021 AIASB Design Charrette 2020

To help the city in establishing Density Development Standards for the Central Business District CBD, and to educate and get input from the public, AIASB organized and conducted 2 months of virtual Design Charrette of some 200 architects, landscape architects, engineers, artists, students, designers, and other stakeholders formed 16 teams to study Housing and open space opportunities in the CBD. Work included a community survey with roughly 5,000 responses, virtual charrette design

Charrette Proposal: team 1000B. 2020

work, team meetings and in-progress presentations where the community was invited. 

Post Charrette work includes ongoing reaching out and listening to the community.

A summary of recommendations was given to City Council at a special meeting on January 21, 2021 regarding the following areas of concern:

  • State Street Public Open Spaces & Promenade
  • Housing
  • Adaptive Re-use Ordinance
  • Public/Private Partnerships
  • Stormwater Management
  • Visual & Performing Arts
Charrette Proposal: Team 4A. 2020

2020 – 2021 AIASB Design Charrette Community Vision Exhibit

A community exhibit of oversized posters of the charrette were created to focus on the key areas of work, and displayed in storefront windows on State Street for maximum public access and viewing.   Public comments and input was encouraged and received through the AIA website.

2020 AIASB State Street “Interim Period” Design Charrette #2
To respond to and assist the City Council Sub Committee on State Street in addressing the city’s “Interim Period” which was established to help businesses survive during the Covid Pandemic. The city closed State Street to vehicular traffic and allowed

Exhibit on State Street. 2020

restaurants to expand out onto the street. To provide needed design guidance, AIASB advocacy coordinated with Anthony Grumbine, AIA (HLC Chair) and City Council Sub Committee to conduct a mini charrette conducted over 2 weeks. The suggestions were presented to the Sub Committee on Dec 21, 2020 with great appreciation to AIASB for the design recommendations help and look forward to working together for the longer-term vision.

Design Team: Anthony Grumbine, Cass Ensberg, John Margolis, Paul Rupp, Ellen Bildsten, Ivonne Ibara, Robert Adams, Courtney Jane Miller

City Staff providing input: Jason Harris, Nina Johnson, Rob Dayton, Elizabeth Sorgman, Marc Aigular

Outdoor dining areas were expanded into State Street in Santa Barbara on Wednesday, June 10, 2020. (Kenneth Song/News-Press)

Highlights of 2020 Design Charrette for Consideration in the Development of the State Street Master Plan

As of April 2023, one of the most important initiatives that the City of Santa Barbara has underway is the development of the State Street Master Plan. A plan with the potential to create the next hundred years of long-term sustainability and vitality for our beautiful city. Of the many visionary ideas documented, certain common themes and concepts emerged. The commonality of these themes underscores their importance to the overall vision. As the City’s advisory committee and their consultant MIG move forward, AIASB as a primary stakeholder believes it is important that these key themes be presented for consideration and possible incorporation into their initial concept proposals.

Click here to see the highlights of the 2020 charrette sent to the State Street Master Planner for consideration in the Development of the State St Master plan.


Santa Barbara Parklet Suggestions
Around December 2020, Santa Barbara City Council Sub Committee on State Street reached out to AIASB Advocacy for design help and guidance on the City Parklet program.  The Parklets were initiated as part of the “Emergency Interim Period” roughly 8 months earlier when Covid 19 hit and State Street was closed to automobiles and restaurants allowed to use the public right of way for outdoor dining.  AIASB Advocacy pulled together a team of 8 designers to respond quickly and create the following Outdoor Dining Parklets Power Point. The suggestions illustrate simple, low cost, and flexible approaches to the creation of outdoor dining areas that also serve to enhance the existing architecture and make the street more garden like through the use of plants, colored umbrellas, outdoor furniture, artistic details, and well-designed signage.  Since at the time that the city asked for aesthetic design input many parklet structures had already been built based upon the guidelines the city created without this input, the AIASB parklet ideas were offered as suggestions moving forward that the businesses could use whenever and however they wished.  A copy of the PowerPoint was given to the city staff to draw from for future updates and improvements to the Parklet Program.

The Parklet Charrette was organized by Anthony Grumbine AIA and Cassandra Ensberg FAIA with participation by other designers Paul Rupp AIA, Ellen Bildsten AIA, John Margolis AIA, Ivonne Ibarra architect, Robert Adams ASLA, and Courtney Jane Miller ASLA and was expedited and completed within a 2 week period and presented to the Council Subcommittee at their December 21, 2020 meeting.

Storm Water Management Practices (SWMP)
Sub Committee Chairs:  Paul Zink, Tom Ochner
Committee:  Jason Gotsis, Mike Gones, Dale Weber, Autumn Malanca, Cass Ensberg, Ellen Bildsten
After years of work, in September 2020 at City Council, progress was made to improve the amendments governing SWMP.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (City of Hopewell)

Housing Downtown – Making It Happen! 
Realizing Housing, New Neighborhoods & Economic Vitality in our Downtown 
General Meeting Recording June 10, 2021
With Panel:  Brian Johnson, SBAOR Robin Elander, Executive Director, Downtown Organization; Rob Fredericks, Executive Director, Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara; Peter Lewis, Property Developer; Jessica Metzger, AICP, Project Planner, City of Santa Barbara;      Anthony Grumbine, AIA, Chair Historic Landmarks Commission; Alice Post Amspoker, representing the Coalition for Neighborhood Schools and replacement of the old Lincoln School

How to get involved

If you are interested in getting involved with Advocacy, please contact

Advocacy Committee meets every Monday from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Advocacy Archive

Can’t find what you are looking for on the Advocacy page? More information is available in the Advocacy Archive.

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