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Design Awards 2024

In recognition of individual architects and architectural firms who have made a substantial contribution in the field of architecture in our region and around the world, this award celebrates excellence in design that goes far beyond the practice of architecture. Great architecture is about creating an enduring legacy, inspiring people and enriching their lives. Innovative buildings can help shape the way we live and enable us to make the most of the limited resources we have.

AIA|SB’s Design Awards reflect the values and aspirations of our region’s design community while focusing on larger, even global design issues. We recognize that our members work on a variety of challenging projects of every scale.

Submissions should reflect a strong sense of place, history, and purpose. We value artfully resolved design and celebrate the fact that good design offers new solutions to new challenges.


Design Awards Gala: December 5th, 2024


Call for Entries: May 14, 2024

Early Bird Registration deadline: July 22, 2024

Final Registration deadline: August 13, 2024

Submission deadline: September 4, 2024, Entries shall be uploaded / delivered no later than 11.30 PM, PDT

Jury Convenes: October 2024

Design Awards Ceremony: December 5, 2024


Licensed architects or firms in good standing membership of AIA|SB are eligible to submit projects. Projects may be located within Santa Barbara County or worldwide. Non AIASB chapter members may submit projects as long as the submission is located in Santa Barbara County. Projects previously awarded by the AIA|SB design awards program are not eligible. Members of the 2024 Design Awards Committee who intend to submit a project for consideration are not eligible to participate in juror selection or deliberations.


Entrants should carefully consider selecting the most appropriate category for their submission. Projects may be entered in more than one category. To enter in more than one category entrants must register the project separately in each desired category for an additional fee (as an additional entry) (i.e., Commercial Buildings and Santa Barbara Architecture, etc.) Once submitted, a project cannot change categories, nor can any project be substituted for another project within a category after registration.

Submissions must be projects designed or completed within the previous 10 years (2014-2024.)

Phased projects shall be entered one time only and at the completion of their final phase.

Your submission should demonstrate the follow measures of excellence:

1. Inspiration: Does the project tell a story about innovative architectural design that is relevant and inspiring? Is the design well-resolved, given the stated project program? Do the materials presented articulate the ambitions of the design?

2. Creative Problem-Solving: What unique problems was the project asked to address regarding: site, budget, program, materials, collaboration or context? Did it address these requirements successfully? Is the relevance and value of design thinking evident in the submission? Do the presentation materials clearly depict the program, context and organizing principles influencing the design?

3. Environmental Sensitivity: Does the project exhibit serious intent to minimize negative environmental impacts and enhance the natural environment? Are metrics, narratives, diagrams, sketches or other clear evidence provided of both modeled and actual performance? This may also include project submissions in response to the COVID Pandemic.

4. Social Transformation/Response: How does the project respond to its social, historical and physical context? Is it sensitive to its physical, social and historical context? Does the project improve the community in which it is situated? Does it exemplify a commitment to enhancing livable communities?

Entry Fees

AIA Santa Barbara Members:

Early Bird Registration $185 ($160 each additional entry,) $110 for entries previously submitted, but not awarded.

After July 22, 2023: $235 ($210 each additional entry,) $160 for entries previously submitted, but not awarded.

Non-Members: $280 ($260 each additional entry,) $210 for entries previously submitted, but not awarded.

Entry fees are non-refundable 

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