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This is an in-progress toolkit meant to be a collaborative resource for local firms to interact with and add to. We welcome feedback on the information below, and we thank you for your patience as we continue to develop this resource for the AIASB community.


The last few years have served as a wake up call for citizens and institutions to examine their own commitment to justice and equity within our communities.  High profile killings of Black folx have laid bare the harsh and often-deadly disparities of experience that are woven into the fabric of our lives… from childcare, to housing, to healthcare, to education, and so much more.  It is incumbent upon all of us to understand how this system functions, and what contributes to its growth and persistence in our culture.  As architects and design professionals, we must recognize that our profession has been an integral part of this system in the past.  With that realization comes a responsibility to help dismantle systemic racism wherever it touches our sphere of influence.  Working out how to go about that goal, however, can be confusing at times.  Knowing where to start and where to find help is not always straightforward.

In response to this, AIA Santa Barbara has created a resource for small-to medium-sized firms as they explore how to promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as individuals, as companies, and as design professionals.  The document consists of two sections: a pledge that outlines the key commitments of this important work, and a toolkit that provides action items and educational resources to help follow through on those commitments.  A community of accountability will be created via monthly check-ins and a series of suggested milestones along this educational journey, and the AIA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee will serve as a resource for participants throughout.  This is only the beginning of an evolving conversation around how we can all be more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive designers right now, and how we can substantially shift our profession in the years that come.


What is Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion?

JUSTICE is acknowledging and denouncing racism, removing barriers, and promoting equitable opportunities in the profession for all individuals.  EQUITY is allocating resources to ensure every practitioner has access to the same opportunities and outcomes.  DIVERSITY is encompassing an array of practitioners who represent varied experiences and perspectives.  INCLUSION is fostering a sense of belonging for all voices and perspectives to feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued to fully participate.¹

The Pledge

  1. We pledge to break down barriers within the talent pipeline that dissuade and/or prevent aspiring designers from making it into the profession and from thriving during their initial years in the workforce.

  2. We pledge to explore how justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion can be advanced within our firm and to address any areas for growth with conscientious actions.

  3. We pledge to contribute our time and talents to creating a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive community at large.

The Toolkit

These three pledge items are big, broad-brush statements that could take shape via a variety of actions.  Check out some of the suggested corresponding action items (with lots of linked supplemental resources) below!

Item 1:  Within the Pipeline

Promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within the talent pipeline by…


Item 2:  Within the Firm

Promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within your firm by…

  • Participating in AIA Santa Barbara’s monthly Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Lunchtime Learning series
  • Holding internal conversations utilizing the provided Discussion Framework
  • Starting an inter-office book club.  Here are a couple suggested reading lists to get you started: List of books from Ibram X. Kendi, Anti-racism resources google doc, 28 day reading plan for allies
  • Joining AIA Santa Barbara’s Professional Mentorship & Advocacy Program
  • Being mindful of how justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion can relate to the projects you’re working on:
    • Does your client have an expressed commitment to these values?
    • Have you researched the community implications and/or ethical concerns of your new project?
    • Are you designing spaces that are inclusive, such as using gender neutral restrooms?
    • Have you promoted community engagement throughout the design process?
    • Are you hiring from the communities you are designing in, such as hiring an Indigenous historian to write a report on a Chumash site?
    • Do your rendered graphics depict a true diversity of community members?  (Check out these great websites for open source graphics here)
  • Being mindful of how your fellow professionals and consultants are taking action to promote a justice and equitable society
    • Have you requested a statement of values in your RFP?
    • Are you utilizing “Lowest Qualified Bidder” or “Quality Based Selection” rather than “Lowest Bidder” to allow for more thoughtful selection of contractors?
  • Reviewing your internal office manual
    • Do you provide flexibility for those who would rather not adhere to certain Federal or religious holidays?
    • Do you encourage the usage of pronouns in standard office email signatures?
    • Does your manual have an anti-discrimination policy that provides clear path to a neutral party for dispute mediation?
  • Reviewing your hiring practices.  Check out these Hiring Best Practices for a resource
    • Join Us!  Let’s push for 50/50 gender equity and to match Santa Barbara’s demographic breakdown by 2030 at ALL levels throughout your firm
  • Encouraging a healthy, inclusive workplace that supports all employees
    • Do you embrace alternative workplace models that foster inclusivity for employees who may not thrive in a traditional office .environment, such as providing family support, disability support, mental health support, flexible hours, telecommuting, etc.?²
    • Do your healthcare offerings include mental health support? Mental health impacts your bottom line, see this article
    • Are you paying your employees a living wage?  Check out these Living Wage Resources for reference
    • Do you conduct regularly scheduled employee performance reviews with transparent metrics for measuring progress?
    • Does your office have a pay transparency policy?  Read here about pay transparency in architecture firms


Item 3:  Within the Community

Promote justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within your community by… 

  • Providing pro-bono design services, direct financial support, and/or hands-on contributions to underserved communities by partnering up with local grass-roots organizations³
  • Check out El Centro SB, Healing Justice Santa Barbara, or Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) among many other local organizations as a good jumping off point
  • Recognizing and celebrating projects within the community that were particularly successful in addressing issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion
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