First Tuesday of the month contact Cash Upton if you are interested in participating
First Tuesday of the month contact Cash Upton if you are interested in participating
AIA Conference on Architecture 2021 This webinar is for all levels of membership, and will present an overview of AIA Santa Barbara and what are the benefits of being an AIA member. Attendees will learn about the work of various AIASB committees and how their contribution and participation makes a difference to the local building community. We will cover upcoming…
Do you have Fellowship on your mind? Is becoming an AIA Fellow in your career plan? Are you curious about what makes an AIA Fellow? An AIA Fellowship is the second highest honor that the American Institute of Architects can bestow upon an individual member. The highest honor of course is the Gold Medal. Fellows are recognized…
Contact if you would like to participate
Get involved through: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee – AIA Santa Barbara (
This presentation aims at covering key information about solar energy & storage to local leaders of the architecture field. Fostered by Federal and State policies, the solar & battery industry is moving fast and constantly launching new products. As constantly evolving and welcoming new actors, the offering around solar & storage seems difficult to decode…