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FEMA: Helpful Hints at Plan Check

Presented by Andrew Stuffler, Chief Building Official, City of Santa Barbara and Jon Frye, Engineering Manager, County of Santa Barbara The presentation will focus on FEMA requirements for flood hazard mitigation documentation during building permit plan check. Attendees will learn how FEMA provides flood insurance to property owners, renters and businesses, and having this coverage helps…

Board Meeting

AIA Santa Barbara 229 E Victoria St, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

AIA SB Hard Hat Tour Pepper Hill

1LU Pepper Hill house in Montecito presents a new type of residence, a truly 21st-century structure, shifting the relationship between built structure and the landscape, not inserting itself as an isolated and singular object but gradually emerging as part of the hilltop, as if interior spaces have been carved from under its natural surface. The…

AIA CA + AIA Santa Barbara Firm Roundtable Event

Then please join us for a Firm Roundtable at your chapter on November 12th. Our Firm Roundtables bring together firm leaders, members of the AIA California Professional Practice Advisory Committee, and key AIA CA staff for a discussion on issues of importance to the management of your firms.

Board Meeting

AIA Santa Barbara 229 E Victoria St, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Building technology – how Modular Building is changing Single Family Residential Construction

Construction costs are increasing, skilled labor is in decline, and the permitting process is becoming more stringent and time consuming.  These factors require a paradigm shift in residential construction.  New developments in modular, factory built homes are a viable solution to the problem.  Join us for a discussion about how factory built homes can accommodate…

Woman’s Group Meeting ID: 821 3771 3416 Passcode: 174848 One tap mobile +16699009128,,82137713416#,,,,*174848# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,82137713416#,,,,*174848# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)…

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