On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the City will host workshops presented by John Caprarelli, P.E., CASp, on accessibility requirements and regulations for businesses. Discussion topics will include: What accessibility laws apply to businesses? What elements of a business must be accessible to the disabled? What is the potential liability if a business does not comply?…
5:30PM Arrive for mingling and buy a glass of wine at Fox Wine 6:15PM Buffet dinner with the Nook 6:30PM Presentation begins Dinner Included 1 LU Our second General Meeting will be a panel discussion on Downtown Housing and the final draft of the State Street Master Plan. This meeting will bring in multiple, cross-disciplinary…
Speaker: Lisa Plowman, Director of Planning & Development, County of Santa Barbara Join the Women in Architecture at La Leiff Winery where Lisa Plowman will be sharing her experience as the Santa Barbara County Director of Planning & Development. Purchase your own glass of wine and We Want the Funk food truck is next door.