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Why Join the AIA?

The most common question we get from people contemplating joining the AIA is what can the AIA do for me? The AIA operates at three levels: National, State and Local. The AIA benefits its members both directly and indirectly.

The AIA benefits Architects directly through the sharing of information and providing access to the largest body of information on the practice of architecture to it members.

The AIA benefits Architects indirectly through advocating at both the state and national levels on issues of vital importance to the profession. This advocacy is responsible for the passage of bills that benefit and protect architects. In addition, the AIA lobbies against the passage of bills that would damage the profession.

As a member, you will have the opportunity to help shape the future of your profession and our community through chapter committees as well as a thriving advocacy program. In addition, membership offers ample opportunity for professional development and networking to advance your career.

Making the Most of your Membership Webinar

Networking and Support

  • By sponsoring and hosting events, we provide unique opportunities for networking in the design profession
  • Annual awards programs and tours allow for the unparalleled promotion of your firms’ designs
  • Free firm and member listings in the AIASB online Membership Directories
  • AIA activities and programs at the National, State and Local levels
  • Email broadcasts of our monthly programs and events.

Resources and Discounts

  • Informational resources: publications, access to AIA resource center and library
  • Member discounts for: AIA Bookstore, rental cars, hotels, credit card availability
  • Participation in, and discounts for, AIA programs at national, state and local levels
  • Discounts on chapter programs.
  • Free job listings on the AIASB website.
  • Discounts on contract documents and publications purchased through AIASB.
  • Access to the AIA Trust, offering members information about quality insurance, retirement plans, legal information services
  • Subscription to Architectural Record, LINE, AIArchitect and other publications. (Architect and Associate members only)

Advocacy and Involvement

  • Professional advocacy before Legislative and regulatory activities and lobbying efforts at the local, state and national level
  • Opportunity to participate in the local political process and local planning
  • Professional fellowship and contacts which enhance growth and personal experience
  • An opportunity to address issues and affect policy that governs the profession and practice of architecture
  • Better legislative and regulatory environment in which to practice. Special interest growth and contacts
  • Opportunities to “give back to the community”
  • Personal professional growth
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